Testify! Make your voice heard!


+ First, Draft a Short Cover Email

Draft a short cover email to send your testimony supporting HB 5429 (preferably attached as a Word document or PDF) to pdtestimony@cga.ct.gov, cc:ing info@desegregatect.org. If you're attaching your testimony, the cover email should look something like:

Subject: Testimony in Support of Transit-Oriented Development

Body: Dear Planning & Development Committee,

Please see attached for my written testimony in favor of House Bill 5429, "An Act Concerning Transit-Oriented Development."

Thank you so much for considering it.


+ Second, Draft Personalized Testimony

Your testimony should be in the form of a Word document or PDF. It can be anywhere from one paragraph to two pages. It should look something like:

To: CT General Assembly Planning & Development Committee


Re: House Bill 5429, "An Act Concerning Transit-Oriented Development"


Chairman Cassano, Chairwoman McCarthy Vahey, Vice Chairman Needleman, Vice Chairwoman Goupil, Ranking Member Hwang, Ranking Member Zullo, and Members of the Committee:


+ More Testimony Tips!

Click here for a template!

In general: Clearly and concisely state why you support transit-oriented communities. You do not need to address every aspect of the bill, and you do not need to be an expert! Simply share why you believe zoning reform that enables equitable transit oriented communities will positively impact our state. Even if your town does not have a transit station, explain that this will benefit your town because it will create more housing for everyone, boost the economy, and prevent environmentally-destructive sprawl. Feel free to add that Massachusetts just required towns with transit stations to zone for new housing just like we're trying to do - Connecticut shouldn't get further behind.

Make it personal: Write about why you personally want zoning reform, and why you care about racial equity, affordable housing, the environment, or the local economy.

Emphasize the overall goal: We need more abundant housing and more diverse types of housing.

Cite specifics if you feel comfortable: Include facts from our transit oriented communities research, including our "Get on Board" Issue Brief and the transit-town-specific one-pagers that we have posted on that website.